Sunday, October 19, 2008

Photography Fees! EEK!

One of the most expensive parts of a wedding can be the wedding photography. Many professional photographers have starting base packages at $2000. If you are having a $10,000 wedding, $2000 for wedding photography just isn't feasible.

Patrick and I had this problem when we were planning our wedding. I have many friends in the wedding photography business - and they are excellent photographers.... there's only one problem - the COST! Instead of paying $2000 for photography, we ended up paying $375! How did we do it? We checked the local classified postings for cheaper photographers. We lucked out in finding someone who had been a photographer full time but now was working at my graduate school. Instead of charging an exorbitant amount and basing her yearly income on her photography jobs - she did photography as a hobby. At the price of $75 an hour and free engagement photos - we just could not say no!

Here's what I would suggest - think outside the box. Many times you can find photographers running specials in the paper or even students studying photography who need some real life experience. And you can always check out my photographer, especially if you are in the Bloomington area:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Couture Silk Invitations

Even though I provide advice on this site for brides who want to save a buck, one of my friends recently started a handmade invitations business. If you are interested in couture silk invitations, check out I love her invitations - they are extremely classy :-)