Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Question in Bridal Guide about Alcohol

While cleaning out my wedding supplies, I came across a question posed in one edition of Bridal Guide that I think is very relevant to my last post.

"My fiance's family does not want any alcohol served at our wedding. My father, who is paying for the reception, and my fiance and I disagree, but we don't want to upset them. What do you think?"

Answer: "That familiar adage, "You can't please all of the people all of the time," is never more true than when it comes to wedding planning. It seems that there is always a relative or friend who believes that your wedding should only be planned his or her way. I honestly believe that as much as you want to avoid upsetting your fiance's family, they shouldn't dictate their preference to you. It is, after all, your day to shine and your party to plan - however you like. Now, I agree that it would pose more of a problem if his folks were paying for the reception, and therefore entitled to some say in how their money is being spent, but it is your dad who is footing the bill. You and your fiance should discuss the situation with his family and let them know that although you do plan on serving alcohol, it is not meant as a sign of disrespect but that it is what you both want and had planned for your wedding all along. If their request is for religious reasons, then they certainly don't have to imbibe. What is more, many of your other guests may not share their beliefs. If you think some sort of compromise will help ease the tension, and if you are comfortable with this option, offer to forgo hard liquor (you'll save money in the process) and provide beer, wine and soft drinks only."

--couldn't have said it better myself!

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